
Castle Love

Fruits love is always come all the times,
Drinking love is always drunk by love people,
The best greeting love is always said by lips love,

Eyes love is always looked at the view love,
The gate love is always opened by security love,

In the Castle Love,
We walk,
We say,
We look,
We work,
We laugh,
We study,
We greet,
We swim,
We cook,
We eat,
We drink
We're satisfied,
Everything we do about love,
The best place is only in the castle love,
Castle love only stay in the HEART,

The activity In the Castle Love is just OPEN the HEART,
So without CLOSE the HEART!!!!!


The Truth of My Heart

Without question"Who are you?"
Only with you I can be an angel in your life
Whatever you say,
I just can say "I LOVE YOU" in my writing.

Kiss just symbol of your lips,
I hope it entered in your heart,
While, you likes another girl,
My heart always keep stay in here,

I hadn't another changed again Honey,
Only you my change,
My heart had been closed by your love


Have fun Love

Just in the world I do it,
Sometimes my heart only with you,
Sometimes my heart with the other person,
I don't know why...

But the best my reasons are:
Your heart didn't have a tenet,
So many girls in your heart,
You didn't have a privacy in your heart,
Your heart is always had by the public

After I had known your activity like it,
I would follow your step,
And I think It is more better than never,

I would have had fun love,
Just have fun, not more
I just played your heart,
After I came, I leaving..

Cause it's just have fun Love.


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